The demand for student accommodation is not
only increasing in Leeds, but it is also on the rise in other parts of the UK
too. This can be judged from a latest
report of Chronicle Live which revealed that construction of new student
accommodation in Newcastle is changing the face of area. The major development
that is taking place in this regard is at Northumbria and
Newcastle Universities that has huge potential for growth. To track the
development of student properties in Newcastle, Chronicle Live has recorded the
progress of such projects that were built between 2008 and 2013. When these
projects were combined with current schemes it was discovered that nearly
10,000 new student rooms have been constructed so far.
This rapid increase in the construction of
student properties has not only diverted the focus of investors in the
Newcastle towards this investment, but has also made the people of the city
worried. For the reason that people believe that if the growth rate of student
properties continues to rise with the same pace the affected areas are likely
to become “student ghetto.” Besides, this the local residents also think that
construction of multi-storey buildings will ruin the area. Also, late
light-night disturbance from students will have a bad impact on the communal.
Moreover, once students will go home during their summer holidays the area will
look completely deserted.
Arguing against this view the associate
director of Nathaniel Lichfield &
Partners, Ian Kettlewell said that the construction of student
accommodation in the city will enable less rich families to move out of the
area, as they have to migrate from the region. Now it remains to be seen
whether this concern of local residents will cause any impact on the growth
rate of students’ accommodation in the area. However, in Leeds things are
little different because more and more local residents are looking to let their
property on rent to students. And Oasis Properties is helping them a lot in
this regard, as it has specialised
in student and professional lettings.